exist loudly. easily my favorite quote.
lately, i’ve really been pondering what it really looks like to exist loudly. when i hear this it is so easy to feel motivated but the hard part is staying that way. usually, when i do normal mundane activities i do them on autopilot. not even caring about who could benefit if i fully put all my effort into that thing. i’ve quickly learned that autopilot is not where i wanna spend my life. while i was teaching bible study this week, i was talking about Jesus turning water into wine. in the story it says the servants filled the jugs of water up to the brim. i decided to mindlessly ask the kids what would’ve happened if they only filled the jugs halfway. they replied with “they would have less wine,” which is so true and thats when i realized i’ve been filling the jug God is giving me only halfway. if the servants decided to only fill the jugs halfway they would’ve had less of a miracle. less of a blessing. now, when i see this quote “exist loudly” i think of just doing everything LOUD! doing everything as if it could effect eternity.
Jesus is calling us to exist loudly for His kingdom.
praying for a newfound strength
fill the jar to the brim!